Well that went easier than I expected

Over the last few days I’ve moved to a new host. I started this version of the site over at http://wordpress.com while I was testing things and had a redirect in place from http://www.billgallop.com

I’ve since moved my hosting and email over to FastHosts and took up their hosted WordPress.

Unbeknownst to me the hosted version is the distribution from http://wordpress.org which is not quite the same beast. Cue quickly learning the world of plugins, Google Fonts and also taking a peek at a bit of CSS. Still, I do love a challenge.

Last night, from a hotel room in Newcastle, I finished all the decorations and moved content over from the WordPress.com site. Surprisingly easy.

I may have a few bits to add and, no doubt, as I learn more I’ll keep tweaking.

And we are off….

Time to retire my old website and start posting something new.

I’ve been writing and speaking about Apple in various places over the years so I though that I really out to bring all of those pieces together, well as many of them as I can locate, and publish them as some sort of historical record.

This new site also gives me an outlet for some of my other thoughts and hopefully it will grow to be a reflection of what makes me tick.

Even if nobody else does, I’m going to enjoy this.
